It takes courage to be a truth teller. It takes a person unwilling to settle for less than the truth. It takes a person who is willing, perhaps unknowingly at first, to stand alone. A truth teller is a story teller, and true story tellers can’t and don’t lie or speak in what I consider […]

The title speaks for itself, really.  But the experience is one to write on.  I was invited to an Ugly Sweater Party, of course assuming it was an Ugly Sweater Party.  In preparation for said party I realized I did not have in my wardrobe an Ugly Sweater.  Being that it is the Christmas season, […]

I have often pondered the concept of “letting go.”  The words “you just need to let it go and move on” somehow fall on me as both shallow and hollow.  A judgement statement made from someone who’s definition of “letting go” is completely different than mine and stated in a manor with assumed and presumed […]